Razpis za Pripravnika v IT oddelku, ki je odprt na Agenciji za sodelovanje energetskih regulatorjev.The Traineeship Programme is mainly targeted to young university graduates, without excluding those who, in the framework of lifelong learning, have recently obtained a university degree and are at the beginning of a new professional career.
The Agency offers traineeship positions in all of its five departments and in the Director’s Office, according to the following profiles:
- Press and Communications
- Human Resources
- IT
- Policies
- Market Analysis
- Data Analysis
In the below table, applicants can find the academic degree requirements and the core tasks related to each profile.
Applicants shall note that the specific profile of the traineeship positions will be identified in the offer letter sent to the selected candidates; the tasks of the Trainee might be further tailored to the individual profiles after the start of the traineeship.
The Trainees may be required to assist in other areas of activity, depending on the needs of the service and their profile and experience.
Več informacij tukaj: ACER-2017-TRAINEES-OC-FINAL