Knowledge Economy Network, KEN is an independent, international, non-profit association, linking various entities from business, research, government and civil society organisations. KEN Partners (2) and members (47) come at the moment from 14 countries, and within 6 months the target is to attract additional 2 Partners, and at least 50 new members. the Network is linked to relevant efforts of OECD, World Bank Institute, World Economic Forum and many others. KEN Secretariat is located in Brussels, Belgium.
The main activities of KEN are linked to building awareness by offering a platform for policy-makers and stakeholders via publications and KEN Annual Award, facilitating multi-sector policy dialogue via Annual Forum and Workshops, education&training, consulting and individual service to support networking and collaboration among members. KEN observes the following four domains of knowledge economy, focusing on specific issues of Education and training, Research and development, Technological and Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
With the opening of its Ljubljana office — in the premises of the Slovenian Innovation Hub at the new building of Ljubljana university, Department of Computer and Infomation Science — the task of membership expansion has become one of the priority responsibilities of this office.
This activity will be linked with two current objectives, and one future project of the Network:
(1) General dissemination list (which currently contains about 2,000 addresses);
(2) Global Expert Pool (project to be started with Jozef Stefan Institute, Dept.of Data Mining, dr.Mitja Jermol);
(3) Compilation of the list of potential MBLC participants — courses of future Monaco Business Leaders Training Centre.
The aim of the project is to collect, organize and sort the most potential institutions on a global scale, ranging from academia, business, R&D, science and technology in an archived database, which will serve as a list of target institutions to be invited to become KEN members.
Objective of the project is to find, globally, as many institutions as possible that have the potential to become KEN members and are in line with its philosophy on developing a society, driven by knowledge economy, creativity, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
The project outcome is a systematic and elaborative archive document, containing names and addresses of the institutions, contact information such as e-mail and telephone, name and function of the highest authority (email and telephone where possible), type of institution and country of residence. The following types of institutions are to be targeted:
1. EDUCATION AND TRAINING DOMAIN: Universities, business schools, training centres, knowledge cities, and associations thereof.
2. BUSINESS DOMAIN: bigger technology companies, consulting firms, business associations, clusters, chambers of industry and commerce, investment banks.
3. NATIONAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, AGENCIES AND OTHER POLICY-MAKING, IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING ENTITIES: responsible for development strategy, for technological development, for innovation, for foreign investment, for economic promotion.
4. SCIENCE, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION ENTITIES: Research institutes, research funding agencies, innovation agencies, centres of excellence, competence centres, industry, technology and science parks, innovation hubs.
5. ENTREPRENEURSHIP: incubators, employers associations, venture investor clubs, business angels.
The Ljubljana KEN Office is seeking a project assistant for the KEN MEMBERSHIP Project, who would be engaged with KEN on a contract basis (first a 15 day trial period, and than a renewable contract for 3-6 months periods).
Conditions the candidate is expected to fulfill:
– Senior student of Computer and Information Science (year 2 or 3)
– proficiency in English
– excellent skills on web search, including advanced search operators in major search engines, such as Google, Bing and Yahoo.
Main tasks of the project assistant:
– online research through existing primary data and directories;
– compiling results in a systematic excel document.
Categories of data to be collected on each entity to be included into the data base:
1. Full name, acronym, mailing and e-mail address of the organisation
2. Brief description of major activities
3. Name, function and direct maining address of Chief Executive Officer and his/her deputy (Board President, Executive Director, etc.)
The fees of 10 € net per hour will be paid monthly – based on task performance reports, and satisfactory quality checks.
Please send your CV to: cizelj@knowledge-economy.net by 6 May 2015, and indicate your mobile/email address in order to arrange an interview.
The selected candidate will be engaged on the project from 10 May 2015 onwards.