The Institute of Applied Informatics of the Alpen-Adria Universität Klagenfurt in cooperation with the DynaCon research project is seeking a Research Project Assistant / Doctoral Student.
The project:
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) tightly integrate computer-based algorithms with mechanic/electronic components and users on top of computer network infrastructures. Within this challenging research
area, the DynaCon research project will develop and investigate novel techniques for automatic fault recovery and (re-)configuration of large-scale CPS.
The performance of methods developed in DynaCon will be tested in four diverse application areas:
(i)road traffic control
(ii) communication networks for controlling power generation
(iii) communication networks for information services
(iv) railway operation.
Tasks and responsibilities:
– Research within the project’s scope with the aim to acquire the Doctoral Degree
– Experimental design and prototype development
– Presentation of scientific results in journals and at conferences
– Assistance in project management
Required qualifications:
– A university degree (master or Diplom-Ingenieur) in computer science, mathematics or
closely related fields graded with good academic success
– Good programming skills and knowledge about algorithms and data structures
– Basic skills in logic programming (e.g. answer set programming, datalog, prolog)
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