Vabimo vas na predavanje Jasmine Smailović z IJS, ki bo predavala o analizi sentimenta v tvitih. Predavanje bo v četrtek, 26. 2., ob 15. uri na Fakulteti za računalništvo in informatiko, predavalnica P21.
Povzetek predavanja v angleščini:
Sentiment analysis of Twitter microblogging posts
In recent years, more and more people use social networking and microblogging Web sites to post messages about their observations, opinions, and emotions. Such messages are suitable for various analyses because of their large volume and near-real-time publishing. In our study, we are interested in the analysis of opinions expressed in Twitter microblogging posts. In order to detect expressed opinions we employ sentiment analysis – a research area concerned with detecting opinions, attitudes, and emotions in texts. The main focus of the talk will be on selecting the most suitable sentiment analysis algorithm and determining the best text preprocessing setting for Twitter messages. Moreover, the mechanism for employing a binary Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier to classify tweets into three sentiment categories of positive, negative, and neutral (instead of positive and negative only) will be showed. Finally, real-world applications of the developed sentiment analysis methodology will be briefly presented.
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